About Us

Sarah Stewart is a gamer, a gamemaster, a project manager, and a professional nitpicker. She’s been running games continuously in the Scarred Lands since the original Creature Collection was published. She loves telling stories, she loves the Scarred Lands, and she loves making sense of Scarn’s massive, gnarly history. Find her work on Drivethru.com.

Frances Stewart was a storyteller at birth and a gamer soon after. She has been a software tester, technical writer, video game writer, fiction writer, and editor. Fran has written and published several short stories. You can find out more about her solo writing career on her personal blog or follow her on BlueSky. Find her work on Drivethru.com and Amazon.

More Like This Industries is a small company centered on our writing and other projects. Our tagline, “perfect is a verb,” refers to the fact that you’re much more productive and happier when you assume your work is flawed and seek to perfect it than when you view yourself as perfect and try to maintain that state.

Contact us at itsperfect@morelikethisindustries.com.


Other Projects

The TARDIS Project: We watched every episode of Doctor Who. Even the ones that no longer exist.