Upcoming Conventions

We love going to conventions and seeing people!

Fran and I will be at Geek Girl Con in Seattle, WA on November 16th-17th. We’ll be selling copies of Vigilant and a few Pathfinder Player Guides for the Scarred Lands.
We’ll also be running short (think 2 hour drop-in) Scarred Lands D&D sessions in the gaming area.

Convention Schedule for 2020:

OrcaCon: Bellevue, WA Jan 10-12. We’ll be running games, signing books, and hanging out!

Emerald City Comic Con: Seattle, WA March 9-12. We’re not tabling, but we will be there all weekend attending as pros, and we’ll have copies of Vigilant with us. Drop us a message if you want to meet up!

NorwesCon: Seatac, WA April 9-12. What we’re specifically doing is still TBD, but we have hotel rooms and will be there for the full show! Could be tabling, reading, and running a game or two. We’ll definitely be socializing with our favorite fellow geeks. We’ll have more details soon.

We’re also looking into attending GenCon (in Indianapolis, ID) from July 29-Aug 2, but that’s still TBD.


2 thoughts on “Upcoming Conventions

    1. W00t! We’ll be happy to see you!

      Yes, there is progress happening on Book 2 (tentatively titled Stalker). We had a bit of a breakthrough recently, but then the holidays hit like a ton of bricks. Maybe we can share some of what we’ve written at OrcaCon if folks are interested.

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