Welcome, Vigilant Readers!

Vigilant, the story of Eochaid Lenahr, a ranger and soldier for the nation of Vesh, is now out in the world and, we hope, being read and enjoyed! 

So far, the book’s not out for sale anywhere. If you have a copy, you’re probably one of the Kickstarter backers for Onyx Path’s new edition of the Scarred Lands Player’s Guide. We hope our book came as a welcome surprise for your patience. 

This is our first novel, and you’re some of our first fans. We look forward to hearing from you about who you are, how you found the book, what you think of it…and where you think Eochaid’s going next. Because even now, even though Vigilant is just reaching readers, we’re already working on the sequel. 

So post comments and let us know you’re out there! 

-Fran and Sarah Stewart